Building a 410 shotgun, How to make a gun, Homemade shotgun, gunsmithing

4 years ago

Building a 410 shotgun, How to make a gun, Homemade shotgun, gunsmithing

Our liberty in this country has fallen into jeopardy, and like many other countries in our modern world "they" are trying to take our second amendment away. Now is the time more than ever to learn the skills necessary to create our own fire arms. As of now it is still legal in many places in this country to manufacture your own gun.
The gun I show being built here in this video is a build I did several years ago and has been featured on several of my you tube channels with good reception. But as you guys full well know, you tube has now more than ever began to take down and censor videos.
I would recommend that freedom loving people everywhere switch over to rumble to show you tube what we think of their censorship. And to support a platform where we can have the freedom of free speech.

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