Do What He Tells You to Do

4 years ago

Do What He Tells You to Do
By Mark A. Lajoie
Copyright 2014 RN SRu 1-177-488

Mary said to Jesus, ‘My Son, their wine is gone’
He said, ‘Woman, what can I do? The hour has not come’
She said to the waiter, ‘Do what He says…you’ll be just fine’
The first of his signs, He changed that water into wine. And she said…

Do! (whatever you do)
What! (whatever you say)
He! (whatever you do)
Do what He tells you to do!

All my life was lifeless, oh, that was clear to see
My flow had lost its flavor, there was nothing left to me
And then I heard my Mother, ‘Do what He says…you’ll be just fine’
And then I saw the sign, He changed my water into wine. Now she says…

Do! (whatever you do)
What! (whatever you say)
He! (whatever you do)
Do what He tells you to do!

He changed my water into wine
He changed my water into wine
She said, ‘Do what He says…You’ll be just fine’
And then He changed my water into wine




Do! (whatever you do)
What! (whatever you say)
He! (whatever you do)
Do what He tells you to
Do! (whatever you do)
What! (whatever you say)
He! (whatever you do)
Do what He tells you to do!

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