Organic Afrikan Paradigm: Vital to Life Afrikan Philosophy, and other theories, Illusionary Concept

3 years ago

*The One who comes to teach is always welcome*
99.9% of what Africans disagree about or argue about amongst ourselves is philosophy, theories, theology or other illusionary concepts. Concept that the creator of the universe does not even recognize. Concepts that are completely separate from the Organic state of life on planet Earth. Concept that does even enhances our role on earth, that does even explain the Melanin all Africans seem to have in common. Concepts that cannot produce, air, water, fire, earth. Concepts the birds, foxes, ants, turtles, goats, zebras would never adopt to govern their purpose and destiny.
Africans biologically are Melanated humans or Dark Ones. That is what nature, the animals and the creator recognize. That Africans are the Melanated people on Earth.
But what makes the African so delusional to such an extent that the African based his or her understanding of nature from his ideology or theology or philosophy that are not based in the singular recognition that all living and non living truly sees the African for. A Dark One, A Melanated One. What the birds see, what the lion see, what the rain sees, what the rivers see, what the universe sees as an African is a Dark One, Melanated One.
The Inorganic African Paradigm, the unnatural African blueprint. Africans who think that the Creator will validate their tribal identities or culture. Africans who think the Animals, Plants, the Earth, Nature and the Universe will subscribe to their tribal beliefs and traditions, their philosophy, theology, ideologies.
The Organic African Paradigm tells the African the only truth about ourselves. The Organic African Paradigm teaches Africans to see themselves how nature sees them, how the Creator sees them and how the animals and plants see them.
The One who comes to learn is especially always welcome.

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