Regardless by Jodiann

4 years ago

These words that you will hear in this video was sung out the day the congress was prosecuting President Trump for impeachment.

The case was just tearing our nation further apart, by both sides placing Blame and then causing the public the same for the Spirit originated from Congress and spread out through our nation, almost causing civil unrest and civil war, within our own nation.

America has been a Spiritual battle from our Cornerstone, The White House and Washington DC, since our forefathers time.

The only thing that is different, is that they listened and learned and came together and formed The Constitution, for it was given to them through Spirit and Truth, Justifying our nation. Drawn out, from Love or mankind and respect of God. The Royal Law that Jesus spoke of and asked of from all mankind. That was mentioned throughout the bible like in John 13:34-35
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

It is imperative that we as a people, and as a nation realize that God is very much in charge and head over everything. If we start to deny and forget that Jesus Christ died on the cross for all mankind for all sin, that he already conquered blame and we are not to pick it back up. Then we are at fault, we are in disobedience, to those things that God, what he has taught us, through our lifetime and others. Through denying the Spiritual aspect of what God has done for his children, in the extent of what he went through, to protect his Children. He created his kingdom, we must all come humbly before his alter, pray for forgiveness and for guidance, both on an individual level (it is a personal walk with Christ) and also on a national level.

So by being in right standing with God our nation and our generations to come can be blessed and we do not quench the Spirit of the Lord. I pray all that watch this has a fresh revelation of the truth of God's words and keep Asking, Seeking and knocking upon his door, and Alter, of Faith.
Explaining the video as to why I am sharing it:

When I was given the words, you are about to hear, I hit record on my laptop and captured the words, not knowing why I did. Then I placed then song in The audacity app, for some reason I decided to reverse the song, and that is what you will hear in the second part of this video. Also I tried to type the words I heard and placed them in the video, so you can possibly understand what the Holy Spirit within is sharing / saying at the time.

This video is the first video that I realized how prophetic words happen and the Gift of Tongues happens and that there is more than one gift of tongues. This to me was and is still always a learning curve for I will always be learning I pray of new things from the Lord ...

1 Corinthians 12:8-11 says:

"For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills."

I believe this is what I experienced through the words given that day, please listen and pray about what you heard, for they are the same words that I sang just in reverse, however, God has a deeper Spiritual meaning for words I do not normally speak were said, not only that more than one voice is on the second part listen to the conversations that took place, yet it was only I that sang the words, I have always felt only as an instrument and have prayed for God to use me as such, maybe that day he did...

Please pray and ask God to test your inner spirit for peace and healing from what we yet all do not understand.

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