Teaching a toy switch with 5 month old Gnocchi.

3 years ago

It was a bit challenging to get Gnocchi to give up a new toy, even when there was another identical one to play with! After trying a few different strategies, hiding it and having it peep out from a low structure proved the best at attracting his interest in the second toy.

Gnocchi's dad does a great job here of creating interest and building up momentum with the toy switch.

Why teach a toy switch?
If you build up a history of reinforcement for trading items, then when you have a situation, such as a stolen item, where you really want to retrieve something, you're far more likely to be successful! Practice when you don't NEED a swap, in order to build that reinforcement history. And, have fun!

Why use identical toys?
It's a lot easier to swap things of equal value than if one item is more valuable than the other. If one item is more valuable then they may want to keep that. Once you have built up the reinforcement history, try switching out yours with similar value. And remember, that's the value YOUR DOG places on items, not you, BUT if you chase out try to take an item away, you automatically make it more valuable!

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