DEVIL MAY CRY 5 | Story Mode Pt.6: Sin Devil Dante vs. Demon King Urizen! (PS4 HD Gameplay)

4 years ago

Last time on...

Dante, the Legendary Devil Hunter battled Urizen, the Demon King in an epic showdown of epicness, the likes of which have not been seen since long, long ago, at the beginning of the series, when Dante fought his twin brother, VERGIL, who is awesome, and even though *technically* Dante won that last round, Vergil was already up by 2, and Dante had an unfair advantage, so Vergil still wins because he’s awesome- but that doesn’t matter, since Vergil has not been seen since that fateful duel after he fell off of a cliff into the demon world, so he’s definitely dead and we will never ever see him again in any capacity- especially not in this game.

But still!

Dante and Urizen’s fight was pretty intense, yo. The two mighty warriors battled mightily, and, though the Demon King was hard pressed to fend off the mighty assault of the Legendary Devil Hunter, in the end, Urizen defeated Dante...

But that wasn’t even his FINAL FORM.

After narrowly being defeated by Urizen the Demon King, and subsequently punted across the city, Dante decided to take a nice, refreshing nap. Meanwhile, for an entire month, idiot Nero and V the G just kind of derped around- but then, they temporarily joined forces and something and then Nero ran off to try to fight Urizen like the complete tard that he is, and V was like “well, f that...”.

Thus, whilst Nero ran face first into disaster, as usual, V set off to find The Devil Sword Sparda. And find it he did! Along with DANTE! After waking him from his nap and explaining that Nero was being a dingus again and was running off to try to fight Urizen, the Demon King- Dante, the Legendary Devil Hunter, set off for a rematch with Urizen (and maybe he’d rescue Nero if it wasn’t too much trouble...).

Along the way, Dante fought a cool purple lightning dude in a boss fight. Plot twist! The cool purple lightning dude was actually like a robot mech suit with Trish inside! Trish isn’t a dude! She’s a girl! And she’s like Dante’s girlfriend or something. (She also looks identical to Dante’s mom and it’s really weird. Issues, man...) So Dante, ever the gentleman, chopped the robot mech suit thing into little tiny pieces- which for....reasons...turned into a magic motorcycle that he has decided to use as a weapon because he’s Dante and he’s a wacky woohoo pizza guy like that- thus freeing Trish. Hurray!

Just in the nick of time, poor V, who had been chasing after Dante to tell him something that might’ve been important, finally arrived on the scene- at which point, Dante promptly drove off on his new magic motorcycle, leaving Trish with V. What a jerk.

Soon, Trish awoke to find V doing his two favorite things: reading poetry and brooding. But this wasn’t just normal brooding! This was “ok I’m gonna fill you in on my whole mysterious backstory now” type brooding.

Thus, as Dante sped ever closer to his epic rematch with Urizen the Demon King, V began to tell his story.

The story of his “birth”...

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