Where is Joe B?

4 years ago

I call the White House live on cam today to show you that it is CLOSED.

Where is PedoJoe?

How is he writing 37+ EO's when hes not even in the white house?

Why do the videos and photos of him signing them show him in a different Oval than the real oval?

Why is JoeBama twitter account full of almost half fake followers?

V__ine injuries top almost 8,000, and are related to 181 deaths so far in USA.

J.Kerry admits that zero emissions wouldnt help climate, so WHY are we in this 2 trillion $$$ Gr.nw.deal?

The medical community and fake stream media are now saying HCQ is safe for CVD.

Biden signs an EO to eliminate the fight on opiod addiction, cuz he cares so much about you.

Pamela Anderson leaves social media

11% satisfaction of americans from ChinaJoes first week in office.

Over 70 politicians and diplomats have died the past 10 days. wow. Verified.

Meme time, Im calling it early "JB didnt kill himself" lol

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