III Fort McCoy Cold-Weather Operations Course Class 21-03 students

4 years ago

Fort McCoy Cold-Weather Operations Course Class 21-03 students conduct field training in snowshoes, Part III

Credit: Scott Sturkol | Date Taken: 01/28/2021
This clip highlights students in Cold-Weather Operations Course Class 21-03 completing field training carrying rucksacks and pulling ahkio sleds of equipment Jan. 28, 2021, at a training area at Fort McCoy, Wis. Students complete miles of ruck marching in the snow and cold during the course. Sometimes students move in snowshoes and skis covering dozens of miles. Students also complete training terrain and weather analysis, camouflage and concealment, and risk management. They also learn about properly wearing issued cold-weather clothing and how to prevent cold-weather injuries. (U.S. Army Video by Scott T. Sturkol, Public Affairs Office, Fort McCoy, Wis.)

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