How the Left Subverts + Cancels Reverend Martin Luther King Jr's Legacy

3 years ago

The great civil rights icon Martin Luther King Junior was a reverend, and was known as such during his life, going so far to change his original name from Michael to Martin Luther, in invitation of how religious he was and try to evoke such a notable religious figure.
Of course, the left continually refers to him as Dr. King, eviscerating his title of reverend, and today's children likely would have a little knowledge that he was in fact a pastor, a reverend.
They do this because they hate religion, they would rather be able to instill their own communist, leftist values that have religion to battle. This is the language and words change that is so insidious, that destroys history, that destroys and subverts the institution of our nation.
Just one example.

#MLK #martinlutherking #reverendking
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