TMN | EVENT - Westminster Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony (2018)

4 years ago

TMN: s1e38 | EVENT - Westminster Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

Westminster CA | December 3, 2018 | 1830 Hrs

TMN was in the City of Westminster for a previous engagement that was cancelled but stayed to cover the city's Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at Sunken Gardens Park. This exciting public interest event was hosted by the City of Westminster, local businesses and volunteers. We will showcase only the opening highlights that includes; the lighting ceremony and season greetings well wishes by the body of council members. It was nice to hear Mayor Ta say "Christmas Tree" instead of holiday tree. These are scenes of that evening.

To view the entire Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony of Songs & Show presentation, please check Public Cable Television Authority website at for broadcast listings and replay times for your enjoyment.

If you happen to give this video a thumbs down, please let us know the reason so that next time we can make your viewing experience enjoyable. Thank you, Staff

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