Night of the Veggie Monster by George McClements | Read aloud

3 years ago

Night of the Veggie Monster by George McClements with read aloud preformed by Simply Storytime.
When a single pea touches the lips of this determined vegetable hater, our hero doesn't cry, whine, or refuse to swallow. He turns into a VEGGIE MONSTER!

Ready to smash the chairs! Ready to tip the table! Ready to . . . GULP . . . down his peas? With inventive mixed-media illustrations and a short, snappy text that combines a child's dinnertime drama with a hilarious parents'-eye-view, this is the perfect book to read with kids to get them to eat their vegetables. George McClements has created a wry and funny story that just might inspire a few veggie monsters out there to give peas a chance.

Night of the Veggie Monster by George McClements is an uos writing, small moment Lucy Calkins book

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Why is read aloud important?

"The U.S. Department of Education Commission on Reading took into account over 10,000 studies and found that the most important activity for building the skills and background for eventual success in reading is reading aloud."

At Simply Storytime Read Aloud, I try and find the most interesting and exciting books to read. Reading is one of the most important aspects to developing skills for learning. Read Aloud books are just another way to help develop this love for reading and the perfect teacher tool!

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