4 years ago

Remember 4 years ago, the father arrested after driving to Comet Ping Pong ready to bring down the alleged pedo ring? Remember when MSM said he was crazy and it was all a conspiracy??? 😡 Let’s talk James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong, found repeatedly in the Podesta emails. What’s in a name? Alefantis in French = J'aime Les Enfants = I love children. 👀😳 Rothschild bloodline? 🤔 Obama at comet. Disgusting artwork hung in the restaurant. Big walk in fridge posted on IG not located at pizza joint? In secret “museum/gallery” he owns where “live art” is shipped in/out? Oh, oh...also conveniently located above underground tunnels. Has Antinous as his IG pic. Antinous was homosexual lover of Hadrian. See flyers: “open to all ages”. Notice imagery.👇🏻 PAY CLOSE ATTENTION. NOTHING is what it seems. Names, bodies, symbols, gematria, numerology.

If squished by rumble- bitchute it. https://www.bitchute.com/video/tanjkCEA5cj1/

(I have thousands of hours of research and posts on FB that I’m trying to relocate before I’m 86’d. All these new platforms are running kinda slow.)

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