Trump Impeachment Destined to Flop, Again; Gov Newsom Has to Go, Says 1.2M Californians

4 years ago

Senator Rand Paul’s move to quash the latest — “Let’s Just Impeach Trump” effort by Democrats — was defeated by a 55-45 vote. However, the narrow differential in the vote suggests Democrats ultimately won’t have the 2/3’s majority needed to succeed. Meanwhile, the new “leadership” continues its assault on America First — delivering a slew of radical executive orders, which achieve everything from open access for men into women’s restrooms to lost jobs for oil workers — Even liberals are scratching their heads!

At 30 and counting, Biden has broken the record for the most executive orders signed by president in the course of a week. As expected, we continue to hear the grand utopian ideals of racial and gender equality touted by the new administration; while under it’s radical agenda, women athletes will now find themselves having to compete on the sports field with comparatively larger and stronger Men, who identify as women.

Meanwhile in California, Govern Newsom is feeling the heavy blowback of his imprudent choice to go fine-dining (without a mask) with his comrades, while the rest of California suffered his heavy lockdown measures. With signatories to the “Let’s Send Newsom Back” campaign now exceeding 1.2 million , it’s not so surprising that Newsom has since retracted his stringent lockdown policy.

#TrumpImpeachmentDestined #ChinaJoe #CCP

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Trump Impeachment Destined to Flop, Again; Gov Newsom Has to Go, Says 1.2M Californians

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