Ola plays hide n seek. Possible barn reno? Beacon Hill Minnewaska SP

4 years ago

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Hello all. In this video, we took the #BeaconHillCarriageRoad and #BeaconHillFootpath at #MinnewaskaStatePark. This was a new trail for us at the park and we had a lot of fun exploring. As always, Ola got her #moss. Even on a dreary day, the overlook at the end of the carriage road was breathtaking. At the end of the footpath was another amazing view and we even did a few #bigfoot calls. After Ola hid, we continued on and explored an old #barn. It was interesting and we tried to determine what the purpose at the time would have been based on the setup we encountered with an elevated driveway. The wind was making everything knock that wasn't nailed down and there were some loud bangs. Then, Ola did her review of the outside and even found an old #boat. Next, we saw an old piping path before finally stopping by #LakeMinnewaska and the new visitor's center.

Hope you enjoy!

1:18 First we got lost
4:33 First overlook
10:12 Picnic area overlook
10:59 Bigfoot calls
13:43 Ola hiding a second time
14:36 We come up to the barn
18:29 Old water pipe path
20:29 Lake Minnewaska view

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