When Did Our Democracy Become A Potemkin Village?

4 years ago

By now, it should be clear to all of you that America is no longer a Democracy, and I’ve begun to wonder about the last time that we were. I think that we’ve had ‘moments of democracy’, where the ‘will of the people’ overcame the corruption and control of the Deep State. But, those moments have become increasingly rare as America became wealthier and more powerful.

#Democracy #PotemkinVillage #OmegaShock

I think that the election of Donald Trump in 2016 was a ‘moment of democracy’. Ronald Reagen seemed like a democratic moment, too. Maybe. FDR lied his way into power, but at least the election was democratic. Eisenhower was an exercise in democracy and so was Nixon (or, maybe not). And, Eisenhower warned us that we risked losing our democracy.

Yeah. The Military Industrial (and Intelligence) Complex. We ignored Eisenhower’s warnings, and here we are. They murdered JFK and shot Reagen. And then, they put their own people in power.

So, when was the last time that America was a democracy?

And yes, I know that the United States is described as a republic, but that’s just semantics. The word ‘republic’ (res publica) is essentially just the Latin version of the Greek word ‘democratia’ (δημοκρατία). We’re still talking about the democratic process of choosing people who will make the laws that we all agree to live by.

So, when was the last time that was a thing?

When did the Republic fall?

When did our democracy become a Potemkin Village?


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Author: John Little - OmegaShock.com

John Little knows that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. A writer who currently lives in southern Taiwan, John still considers Jerusalem home. He holds an MBA and is married to the most beautiful woman on the planet. John has lived in Asia for 25 years and strongly dislikes writing/recording doom-and-gloom articles and videos. Unfortunately, your survival is at stake, so he will keep doing them.

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