Feeling Alone? Lonely?

4 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement God is with us, no doubt about it. Are you feeling lonely? You are not alone, never have been. God is with us. Yes, at times, this life season “feels” more than what we can bear? God is our Advocate; He has never not been working for our good. We feel peaceless, we feel alone, we feel forsaken, but our feelings they deceive us, because the truth is, we are none of these things, and never have been. God has never forsaken us; He has been faithful to us over all the ages of time, even when we were faithless and disloyal to Him. God has never left us alone, He is Present, here, now with us and for us. God is never not at work for our good. Constant-Consistent this is God’s reputation. Look past your feelings to the truth. There has never been a minute God does not think of us first and put us first. We have never been alone. We have never been forsaken. We have been loved well. Embrace Your God. #DigDeeper https://thebridegroomscafe.com/the-solution/

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