The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 93 - The Roman "Snake," Poisoning Mankind!

4 years ago

People, there is only one group, one criminal cabal that has hidden itself in plain sight as counterfeit Christian religion based on pagan Babylonian priesthood and ritual and is deceiving the whole world with its web of Lies and Deception and that is the Vatican. This Roman entity is a combined political state, business and institutional religion and rules over the kings of the Earth according to Revelation17:18 which states, "The woman whom you saw is the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.” It is indeed the 4th Beast of Daniel and we can know this with absolute certainty by examining core Catholic documents produced by Roman Catholic scholars embodying the “MIND” of the Roman “WHORE” in dogma that is claimed to be “infallible.”

Do you want to know your TRUE enemy? You only have to read a handful of Roman Catholic documents written over a span of 700 years to understand the TRUE MIND and INTENTION of this pagan Babylonian theocracy. The Roman Catholic Cult of Apollo is simply the re-iteration of the Imperial Caesarian Roman Empire which crumbled during the 3rd and 4th centuries but never went away. It just re-birthed itself as the Caesarian Roman Catholic Empire over a period of hundreds of years but its desire and goal has NEVER changed! World domination in its most cruel form is Rome’s single minded aim!

Learn more at:

Augustine of Hippo

Fourth Lateran Council Decree - Pope Innocent III - 1215 AD

Summa Theologica - Thomas Aquinas - 1485 AD

Council Of Trent Decree - The Jesuits - 1545 - 1563

Council Of Trent Decree - The Jesuits - Summary - 1545 - 1563

The satanic Jesuit 4th Oath Of Induction

The Jesuit “Theologia” - Peter Dens - 1826

The Syllabus Of Errors - The Jesuits (Peter Beckx SG) - 1864

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