The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 91 - Jesuit Lies & "Holy Ghost" Truth!

3 years ago

Superimposed over the external visible world political hierarchy we see, is a covert canopy of control, an ancient Luciferian religio-political hierarchy that is hidden in plain sight. Not only has this satanic system taken control over all world governments and all life support systems through infiltration and subversion as the Bible declares, it has also completely infiltrated and destroyed what remained of the Protestant churches and Bible truths. The TWISTING of Bible scripture is a Jesuit specialty and has caused great harm to multitudes over the last 5 centuries!

In particular is the doctrine of the office and function of the Holy Spirit in the work of salvation in the true church of God: the Body Of Christ. I want to make clear here that the TRUE church has absolutely no connection to the pagan Roman Catholic cult which is an “idolatrous” counterfeit form of Christianity, devoid of truth!

Before I start please know that the Jesuits have succeeded in muddying Biblical truth SO successfully in this last century that what i’m going to share here is going to seem to many still in the institutional mainstream church, to be "off the wall." The Jesuits aim was to render the Protestant churches POWERLESS and that is what they have succeeded in doing. Through false Masonic preachers and teachers they have replaced the operation of the Spirit of God in the churches with the Spirit of Man. The supernatural moving of the Holy Ghost has been replaced with the Catholic “Social Justice Gospel” and all its man made programs!

This message is guaranteed to be unpopular with religious people and is only for those of you listeners who have EARS TO HEAR and a hunger to receive ALL that God has promised to his children. There are only 2 choices a person can make when the truth comes and that is humble yourself and receive it and admit you were in error or deceived OR reject it and continue with the FALSE doctrines of men.

Learn more at:

How To Become A Christian/Child Of God

Read below how God has always had a "Spirit filled" people throughout the ages!

History Of Speaking In Tongues In The Church by Mel C. Montgomery

The Holy Spirit

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