The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 90 - Poppy Psy-Op - "Time's Up" Veiled Warning!

4 years ago

Poppy is a You Tube video channel that started off featuring "Poppy" a seemingly mind controlled "girl next door" muttering banal monologues to herself. As her popularity increased Poppy's monologues and music began to take on a more occultic and sinister character! In the last 2 years the music has gone from light, inane pop ditties to darker metal rantings promoting occult themes and veiled Satan worship. In her video "Time's Up" Poppy takes on the character of a "robotic" trans-human who desires the death of all humans. Then she is portrayed as some sort of female pop priestess administering vaccine "communion HOST" pills to recipients who then become digitally activated. These same people then begin writhing in agony on the floor and she LAUGHS at their suffering! Then she transforms into a pagan goddess dressed in a "Baphomet" gown with a crowd of people dancing wildly in front of her as in some sort of pagan Bacchanalian rite. The message in this video is, "TIME'S UP" and "THE WAIT IS OVER!" These are veiled threats of the looming entrance "DNA VACCINE" RITUAL ALL world citizens will have to take for entrance into the Luciferian Roman BEAST New World Order which is about to become a reality!

Learn more at:

Roman Catholic "Mark OF The Beast"

Video Number 77 - What Is The Mark Of The Beast?

Video 86 - Roman Virus Propaganda - Useful Information!

Poppy You Tube Video - Time Is Up

Poppy You Tube Video - Scary Mask

The Disturbing Meaning Of Poppy’s “Time Is Up”

NME - The Big Read – Poppy: Human After All

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