Memo Released...FBI Caught!

4 years ago

Memo Released...FBI Caught! New declass documents contradict what the mainstream media has been saying about the FBI. 

Here are the differences -> FBI altered docs to F.I.S.A court to appoint Meuller as special prosecutor. 

->FBI docs show leadership was preparing to dump Comey before Trump made it official. A complete contradiction to what was reported. 

Bomb fund at Astrozeneca testing plant in the U.K. Why wasn't this reported? Are Israel and Iran gonna throw down? It sure seems like it and we will explain why and how this can or could happen. 

The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) A SpaceTime Modification Weapon has been developed? Bigger than the Hydro-Bomb? What the hell???

CDC rejects testers and refuses to speak with them any further. 

Department of Homeland Security issue a terror threat for the US. 

Virginia declares mail-in ballots to be illegal. Yes, that happened. Yes, that happened after the inauguration.

Gamestop breaks the stock market! NASDAQ threatens to freeze the markets. Elon mush calls out the hedge fund! Things get heated quickly.

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