Movie to Wake Americans Up! Declass continues. B2T Show Jan 27, 2021 (IS)

4 years ago

Blessed to Teach (B2T) empowers Christian Patriots with Truth!

Are we really watching a movie? Rick gives his opinion backed with lots of evidence and links!

“Regret voting for Biden” is not a Google search trend! Despite some being frustrated, a new layer of people are waking up. See the Q drops that show this movie was expected!

Biden has issued more Executive Orders than any other president and it appears he is controlled by either the Black Hats or the White Hats or perhaps a combination?

We also look at more voter fraud evidence and talk about the facts of how many cases are still active and how zero of the cases have looked at the evidence highlighting the broken judicial system.

Rick reviews and analyzes key portions of Amanda’s most recent Word from the Lord.

We end with a verse about God making our paths straight and how we should not be leaning on our own understanding, but instead, trust in Him!

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