Texas Rep. Proposes Succession Vote, 3482

4 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the Texas.
State Rep. Kyle Biedermann of Texis has filed legislation calling for Texas to leave the union – yup – I mean succeed from the United States of America.
Known as the Texas Independence Referendum Act, or House Bill 1359, the legislation calls for a statewide referendum in November asking:
“… the question of whether [Texas] should leave the United States of America and establish an independent republic.”
If voters say yes, a committee would be formed to study how to best make this withdrawal from the U.S. as painless as possible.
According to Rep. Biedermann:
“This decision is too big to be monopolized solely by the power brokers in our Capitol. We need to let Texans’ voices be heard!”
“Voters of all political persuasions in Texas can agree on one thing, Washington D.C. is and has been broken. Our federal government continuously fails our working families, seniors, taxpayers, veterans, and small business owners.
“For decades, the promises of America and our individual liberties have been eroding. It is now time that the People of Texas are allowed the right to decide their own future. This is not a left or right political issue. Let Texans Vote!”
Biedermann says that succession would be allowed under the Texas Constitution.
“All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform, or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.”
In 2009, Gov. Rick Perry hinted at a successionist movement:

Well, here we are Washington completely thumbing their nose at the average American and our right to free and fair elections – our most basic right of self-governance.
Of course, the radical left will go crazy at the idea of succession. What if a few more of the states that are currently wealthy with low taxation and little debt decided to join the new nation.
That would double or triple on a percentage basis the old nation had to cough up to support the financially floundering states. Their citizens would continue the mass exodus to those richer, warmer states there multiplying the problems of the big welfare states until what?
Civil war? But who would fight it? Honor and self-sacrifice have all but disappeared in urban centers where communism is supported now openly – especially in its halls of higher education. Going to war to potentially die for a righteous cause? Non-existent among the communists.
No, as Texas goes, so goes the union, and it might be the only way to get us out of this oncoming train wreck.
I'm still reporting from just outside the Citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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