Okay, Any Fools in the Audience? January 27, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

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Okay, Any Fools in the Audience? January 27, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

I am going to put this as plainly as possible so that nobody misses the point:

If anyone accepts a "Second Declaration of Independence" they lose all that they won and are owed as a result of the first Declaration of Independence.

Not only that, but they will be forced to fight in support of that declaration and have to go back and try to re-establish what they are already owed.

So spread the word not to be fooled by this.

Don't be victims of any more fraud.

The Vermin make their money by fighting and by pillaging.

They would love to have you be stupid enough to start rallying around a "Second Declaration of Independence" so that they would have an excuse to shoot you and fight with you over it, instead of being obligated by their current agreements.

Don't be chumps.

My Mama never raised no fools and I am telling you flat out the consequences of ever giving up or turning your backs on the original Declaration of Independence.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/01/okay-any-fools-in-audience.html

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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