Meditation for a Resilient Mindset

4 years ago

Welcome to this 12 minute guided meditation on having a resilient mindset.

Today it’s about building a resilient mind. If something is not going the way you hoped it would, you feel like quitting or you need help flipping that switch to change your mindset, meditation is the perfect tool to reach for. This resilient mindset meditation will help give you the motivation to keep going.

Building a resilient mindset is an interactive process. There will always be obstacles and challenges in life that can drag us into unproductive realms of negative thinking that make achieving our goals seem that much more difficult. But knowing how to create a mindset for success starts with realizing that we have the power to choose the thoughts we repeat.

Hopefully, this meditation will show you how to develop a mindset for success that can weather the turbulence of life’s challenges by helping you over time to choose only to engage those thoughts that empower you to strive for your goals.

Once again, this is an iterative process that you’ll need to work at. It’s easy to get caught in the gutter of negative thinking, but over time, you’ll become better and better at getting yourself back on track. Think of it as a form of resilient mindset training.

To get the most out of this mindset meditation, we recommend that you find a quiet place where you can sit or lie down undisturbed. Place a sign on the door if necessary to let others know that you will be unavailable for the next 15 minutes to avoid any unexpected interruptions.

Also, we suggest that you use headphones for optimal listening experience.

During this experience, Heather Hayward will guide you through some simple meditation techniques on building a resilient mindset. All you need to do is be physically comfortable & able to listen to the sound of her voice.

If you are lying down, placing a blanket across your stomach area can provide some added comfort & relief while using this guided meditation to reduce thoughts of inferiority.

We hope you find the resilience you are looking for during this meditation experience & look forward to creating more for you soon.

Wishing you always more comfort, humor & inspiration,

Heather Hayward

About Heather:

Heather Hayward is a renowned Results Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Immersive Meditation Leader with over 36 years of experience leading guided meditations professionally.

In 2017, Heather & her son, Hunter, created The Guided Meditation Framework, a professional training program for coaches, therapists & practitioners.

Connect with Heather:





By the way, if you’d like to become an immersive meditation leader, check out our professional training program below:

Additional Resources & Articles:

Learn how to meditate -

189 Positive Affirmations -

Best meditation chairs, pillows & tools -

How to create a meditation room -

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