Vaxxed Movie, MMR Vaccine Autism Risk and Vaccination Danger Awareness

4 years ago

Vaxxed director Andrew Wakefield talks about the CDC’s own findings that the MMR vaccine causes autism, the cover-up of that information and why the documentary about this cover-up - Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe - took the world by storm. Vaxxed is one of the most censored documentaries about the dangers of vaccines and yet, that censorship about vaccination danger has actually caused more people to watch it, thereby increasing awareness about MMR vaccine autism risk. Vaxxed has dramatically increased awareness of vaccine injury and why vaccines are not safe. Andrew Wakefield discusses some tour highlights as well, including when a pediatrician in California went to a screening, even though he didn’t want to go, but after watching the movie he stood up in the audience and offered to write medical exemptions for any parent. Wakefield also discusses what happened at the Tribeca film festival and Robert De Niro and a lot more. Check out this interview!

WATCH Vaxxed The Movie:

Produced by Larry Cook

Vaxxed, vaxxed from cover-up to catastrophe, vaccine safety. vaccine, vaccination, vaccination danger, vaccine injury, mandatory vaccination, Andrew wakefield, autism, mmr vaccine, SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome

Vaxxed Movie Exposed The MMR Vaccine Autism Risk and Propelled Vaccine Safety Into The Limelight!

“One of the most censored documentaries in the history of the world”

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