Mother of Twins makes hard decision--Diastasis Recti Repair Surgery

4 years ago

My severe diastasis recti separation was causing me to lose myself more and more with each passing year to the point where I was giving up on even trying to be myself at all, and my daughters could see it. Their unconditional love and support inspired me to seek help from a very talented plastic surgeon so I may no longer live in pain and discomfort and be empowered to find myself again.

Having a diastasis recti repair surgery was a big decision to make, but my twin daughters are worth it. ALL OF IT. Because they look up to me. And it’s up to me to show them to never make excuses for why they can’t better themselves the way they want to, to never give up on themselves, never settle for less than they deserve, and to keep on striving no matter how challenging the obstacles are on their path to their own happiness.

Surgery is not the answer for everyone, but it’s an answer I will never regret choosing for myself. Because if I hope for my girls to learn to love themselves as unconditionally as they already love me, they deserve a mother who knows how to love herself too. I hope this video may help shed some light on this condition that affects so many mothers today, help those who are on the fence about this surgery make the best decision for themselves, and I hope to give validation to those who have already made the decision that surgery can be a worthy form of self love that they also deserve!

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