Fake News Obsessed With Punishing Trump

4 years ago

CNN Fake News Anchor Jim Acosta predicts Trump will lead a fringe movement now that he is out of the White House. With today’s ALG Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen. Acosta said that while Trump is – quote “licking his wounds in Mar-a-Lago, he poses a threat to this country.” 75 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in November –hardly a fringe group. Instead of insulting half the country, perhaps Acosta and his colleagues in the mainstream media should just DO THEIR JOBS. Speaking of which, the Washington Post says it has no plans to keep a database of Joe Biden falsehoods. Meanwhile, ABC News analyst Matthew Dowd says the country must impeach Trump - and punish him - before we can heal. He is comparing the Trump administration to genocidal Nazi Germany and the evils of South African apartheid.


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