Real or Hoax: The Mysteries of the Shroud of Turin with Andrew Silverman - host Mark Eddy

4 years ago

DR. ANDREW SILVERMAN joins us to discuss his latest publication "A Burst of Conscious Light." He will be discussing his application of quantum physics in analyzing the Shroud. A shroud is documented in the Gospels, but is the Shroud the same one Joseph of Arimathaea used to wrap the body of Jesus? What about the rumors that it was painted by Leonardo? There are minute details that must be brought into the discussion, and we will cover them. Perhaps, some of Jesus' parables lend credence to the Shroud's authenticity. During an era when science and religion are exclusive of each other, perhaps, the Shroud proves that science and religion can be the same. We will get into the evidence that the Shroud is evidence of a near death experience and reincarnation. You will not want to miss this show.

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