Their Vaccine Free Children Are Strong, Healthy and Smart!

4 years ago

In this compelling video these parents share how and why they choose not to vaccinate their children, starting with their Hepatitis B vaccine research findings and then moving into other aspects of vaccination that caused them to question both the safety and efficacy of vaccination. They share in detail how bright, healthy and strong their toddler is and why being vaccine free is the best choice for him, and also their 9-week-old newborn. If you have questions about vaccine safety, vaccine efficacy, vaccine injury or why natural immunity is far superior to vaccination, watch this video and check out the resources below. If you could only purchase one item below, I would suggest buying Vaccines: A Reappraisal by Dr. Moskowitz - an MD with 50 years clinical experience - because he makes it very plain and simple why vaccination is dangerous, the cover-up in the medical industry and why natural immunity is the best and healthiest choice for our children.

The Unvaccinated Child:

Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe:

Vaccines: A Reappraisal:

Vaccine Injury Stories:

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Copyright © 2018 Larry Cook

An adjuvant is a substance that is added to a vaccine to increase the body's immune response to the vaccine, but which can also cause disastrous health problems or death.

“Once we learned about different [vaccine] adjuvants that cause [adverse] reactions, it definitely gave us reason to do further research…”

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