Handmade Wall Art/Spirit Board & Planchet Acrylic Painting Epoxy Resin Finish

4 years ago

18inx24in 4.5lbs. Wood Stretched Canvas Painting and Spirit Board. The front is pour painted using gold, silver and black. Epoxy resin finish with freehand painted letters and numbers with printed designs and two additional coats of epoxy resin. Back painted black with white stars and printed designs. Multiple coats of resin applied. Planchet is gold and black with multiple coats of resin. Three felt pads for sliding on the bottom of planchet.

We were going to ask $225 because of the work we put into this. We hung it on the wall until we decided to list it but circumstances have us wanting to get rid of this ASAP. Please visit our Etsy page for purchasing information.

Etsy - PYSOCreations

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