26% Die In Irish Nursing Home After Covid Vaccine.

4 years ago

I'm in Ireland. This is a tragedy and a disgrace and needs urgent investigation. Ireland has been on CONTINUOUS lockdown of varying levels since last March. Now we're told we're at the highest Level until this coming March when it'll be "reviewed" (take that to mean, "extended"). We are virtual prisoners in our homes whilst the economy crashes and burns and people die, not just from the vaccine but through suicide as people cannot continue to feed their families, as they watch generations old family businesses and farms fold, and through sheer loneliness due to Level 5's "NOBODY is allowed into your home or garden" rubbish! For the love of god, Irish men and women, fight back against this farce! Even the WHO have downgraded Covid19 to "non lethal" and global scientists are disproving the existence of the "new variant". So ask yourself what the lockdown's are *really* about if not population control?

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