Public International Notice January 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Public International Notice January 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

People need to understand that all these governmental services corporations that have been masquerading as governments are being bankrupted. And then, they are turning around and trying to be "reborn" under new names and purportedly new management, but it's really the same old players.
That is the reason Joe Biden doesn't have a contract and is never likely to get one. The Old Gang in Washington was a criminal for-profit commercial enterprise masquerading as a government; we won't accept their service anymore, and it doesn't make any difference to us that our Employees kept electing the same Old Gang of their compatriots to private corporate offices.
Using our situation as an example --- the Holy See is still required to provide the services stipulated by The Constitution of the United States, but we don't have to accept the services of any Municipal Corporation, especially not one that is owned and operated and managed by the same group of thieves as the last bankrupted entity.
There have been literally millions of bankruptcies taking place, because when one of these big parent corporations goes, it takes its franchises with it.
One of the first bankruptcies in this current cycle was the Bank of England; they circled their desks, because being one of the Prime Perpetrators, they knew what was coming. This is where I earned my nickname in 2008--- which isn't fit for polite company, but still gives me some satisfaction.
In 2015, Obummer announced the domino effect bankruptcy of UNITED STATES, INC. which was followed by the bankruptcy of US CORP --- you can begin to see how they have used different but similar names to operate under, all of them mirroring names associated with our country and our legitimate government.
Each one of these parent corporations has anywhere from dozens to millions of franchises, and the franchises can either be entire organizations or individuals.
I can hear people from Beloit to Bangkok saying, "Millions of franchises? That's not even possible!" ---- but it is, when you consider that virtually everyone on the planet with the exception of a few tribesmen in places like Siberia and North Africa and Lapland-- have been "registered" and "enfranchised" by these Vermin.

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