Antifa versus Anarchy versus The Idea of America

4 years ago

The Antifa are fighting just to fight, that feeling of rage against the machine, against the govern men, i get it, it’s deep, it’s punk, it’s valor to save souls, it’s more than a feeling, it’s more than passion, the urge to create change, Anarchy, to not be governed. America in its essence was built upon this dream, tho i Am afraid that the Wild Wild West has gotten so intense that greed has infested from within, somehow, skewing the mission, making it ruin instead of build up, that the Cause is bigger than the Effect, therefore, much of the movement has become unfiltered rage, instead of actualization of something real, tangible, because the whole idea is being lost in antics. Tho, the fusion now, from confusion, it embarks a Catch 22, and it will bring down a nation, because it is now infused with money, power, prestige. The end all is to break the system. But, what the Anarchists are notSeeing, is that... from every system shattered, new ones must form. Anarchy is Nature, uncontrollable yet with patterns that can and will create peace overall. Anarchy is not just random, not just violence. Nature is the happenstance of culture. This work of Antifa is misguided, because they are raging with greed. They are not not thinking, not enlightened, but rather overthinking everything into destruction. Chaos is not Anarchy. Anarchy is Nature.

Note: i do not comprehend specific word,
i Am an artist with Share and Share Alike Reasoning.

Randomocity is my Reciprocity.

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