Meet COVAX - W.H.O. (aka Bill Gates) Wants 2 Billion DNA Altering "Vaccines" Issued That Don't Work.

4 years ago

Both Pfizer and Astrazeneca "vaccines" are mRNA gene therapy treatments. They suppress symptoms. They have NOT been proven to cure, prevent transmission or immunise you from the covi flu. There have been No animal trials. And they alter your DNA. And the manufacturers can't be sued if your health suffers through taking the vaccine.

Look at the WHO logo. Why a snake? Of course it's symbolic. You may not believe in Satan but that's not the point, the point is others do. And more than a few are thoroughly embroiled in his cult. This is while they accuse everyone else of being in some nefarious cult. The cult of truth and honesty?

These people are the kings of lies and they're in pretty good form at the moment. The covi flu is a stitch up by big money and big pharma to hijack an election, don't let your government rep fall for it. If you can't visit them, make a short video and upload it to the web then send them the link. So they see you're a real person and this matters. Then you can see if they visited.

The cult of criminals are on a (stay out of jail) mission and will continue to mislead. They won't stop...especially if it works. Imagine a world without them. When they get locked up and their downstream see it, then we might get that world.

We are in a history lesson.
Enjoy it.

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