4 years ago

The goal was to use ONLY the contents of the WG Bushkraft Survival kit. No other items were used (except my Leatherman to handle the hot canteen). It was a dark and stormy night, everything was soaked through and through and things would have been WAAAAYYYYYY worse, but this kit really does have just about everything you need to make it through a bad situation.

I had a miserable night, BUT the kit had the tools and items needed to protect me from the elements and allowed me to be able to make fire and along with a host of other valuable survival necessities. Some of the items were not even covered in this video.

Shelter is covered, fire covered, water procurement, filtration, and sanitation is taken care of. Knife and saw are provided (and they are both satisfactory, illumination, cordage, Items to help in your rescue are also provided. This kit is EXCELLENT!

Check out the contents of this on my website WWW.BOMBPROOFBUSHCRAFT.COM

Visit me on my social media accounts and my retail website!

Bombproof Bushcraft

Bombproof Bushcraft


Check out my live feed every Friday night on the below group @ 8pm
Bushcraft, Survival, Primitive Skills Mickey Wilson

Bombproof Bushcraft is a fun channel that passes along knowledge about being outside in nature, camping, hiking, primitive skills, making your own equipment, living self reliant, blacksmithing...you get the idea. We also dabble with interviews of famous folks in the bushcraft industry and cover events and gatherings.

Don't check out of the video early as there is the funny side of bushcraft videos designed to leave you with a smile on your face and a belly full of laughter.

#wgbushkraft #madisonpoole #bombproofbushcraft

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