NSFR Date Change & Data Showing Rapidly Rising Housing Bubble

4 years ago

We discuss another adjustment to the timetable for Basel III requirement of the Net Stable Funding Ratio in the UK. Per the UK government, and confirmed with PWC, the UK will comply with NSFR requirements by January 1, 2022.

The LBMA appears to have gotten another 6 months to deal with their un-backed, unallocated gold derivative market in which the banks cannot back them 85% with real assets.

Further, we get into the threatening stance US lawmakers have made towards a second round of stimulus over issues with passing legislation on the virus and the lock downs.

We talk about the rapidly rising costs in US housing based upon new data by Case Schiller. This is worrying sign on the heels of our research yesterday documenting rising food costs and problems with delivery of overseas goods.

As a result, the story of 2021 may just be rapidly rising inflation across the economy as the government tries to reflate it.

Lastly, we invite you to the Solutions 2021 conference this Thursday, January 28th. Registration is free to you at the following link: https://hopin.com/events/solutions-2021

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#gold #nsfr #baselIII #inflation #stimulus

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