Prophetic Update: Measuring Grace - Danny Steyne

4 years ago

Prophetic Update: Measuring Grace

Romans 12:6
"We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith."

The primary call of the Prophetic Voice is not foretelling, but telling for God and pointing to Him. It is the call away from idolatry not towards it. The mission, whether it's to apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral, or teaching is not to prove you're right, but reveal the ways and truths of God.

Job, for sure would have been, and in fact was, vilified by those who arguably would reflect most of the church world in this hour. His utter failure at finding a solution to his frailty and weakness brought on every judgement and accusation.

Like the Pharisees that would pull a woman caught in adultery before Jesus, because they thought they were accurate on the interpretation of God's Ways... today, many are dragging others before Truth and demanding, debating, criticizing and ridiculing those whom Jesus would call to fulfill the Ways of God in their life.

Idols require attention. To appease the demonic gods, there is payment due... the precise amount of grace needed is equal to the amount of payment offered. But yet, tray is exactly what is being offered to some who continue to believe they have heard from The Voice of The Holy One. They've been offered plea deals but those who have recalculated or never heard that Voice...

The Voices that now need justification for speaking will say... just as idols require...

You didn't give enough
You didn't sacrifice enough
You didn't love enough
You didn't pray enough
You didn't repent enough

It's not Prophetic when Vain Imaginations enter your opinions
It's not Prophetic when you want recognition and aren't willing to simply be a fool
It's not Prophetic when you want to prove God, but when God simply wants to prove Himself

Do we are speak of Abraham taking his son to be offered?
Do we dare take the least and most fearful in a people and believe he will bring about victory?
Do were dare believe that God can use a child, or a donkey, or a fool to accomplish his purposes?
Do we dare fight for our reputations when Jesus made of Himself no reputation?


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