Katie Couric And The MS Media Deserve To Be 'Deplatformed'

4 years ago

Deprogramming the Left. With today's ALG Minute, I'm Catherine Mortensen. Former Today show host Katie Couric is facing a backlash for her recent comments on the Bill Mahr show asking - quote - how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump. Seriously? After the Left and the mainstream media spent 3 years challenging the legitimacy of the 2016 president election -- EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. the media ran stories of the totally baseless conspiracy about Russian collusion. I think those clowns are the ones that need to be deprogrammed. There is FAR more evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election than there ever was of Russian collusion -- but the left kept up that fake news narrative and spent 32-million dollars of taxpayer money on the Mueller investigation -- only to prove THERE WAS NO COLLUSION. If Katie Couric wants to talk about deprogramming people -- she and her friends in the mainstream media should be the first in line.


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