The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 87 - Roman "Mask" Mind Control - Useful Mask Info!

3 years ago

There is a long history of MASKS in human societies. Every ethnic or tribal group embodies some form of MASK tradition within their culture except Biblical Christianity. Pagan Roman Catholicism has subsumed MASK traditions from all world cultures and has used it over centuries to blind men in contemporary society as to the "Spiritual" significance of masks. This ignorance is being used against ALL peoples to perpetrate a MASK initiation "Medical Emergency" of all people into the Roman Beast New World Order! First comes individual compliance to the M.A.S.K and then comes the M.A.R.K vaccine! Masks and Marks are all about control. Every person who takes the MARK will become a GMO or genetically modified "organism." The Luciferian Jesuits have been corrupting ALL life forms created by God as "GOOD." The Jesuits are undertaking the "CORRUPTION" of every living thing - "the corruption of all flesh" Genesis 6:12. No human being that has been corrupted "GENETICALLY" can be saved by God but will be slated for "ETERNAL DESTRUCTION." This is the purpose of Satan's Jesuit run Babylonian "New World Order."

Learn more at:

The Mark of The Beast

Useful Virus Information

FDA Surgical Mask Recommendations and Usage

The Wearing Of Masks

Mask Face Coverings

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