The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 82 - Jesus Christ Or Papal Antichrist? - Which Will YOU Choose!

3 years ago

For 1900 years the book of Revelation has been steadily opened up by the Spirit of God to those who have sought to understand the signs and the times indicated in prophecy. The Jesuits of Rome have tried to obfuscate the identity of the 4th Beast of Daniel and the antichrist with their "Preterist" and "Futurist" heresies. As the day of Christ nears and the end of the age draws closer the servants of God can see with greater clarity than ever
before how end time events will play out. Starting with Martin Luther in 1517 the understanding that the Pope of Rome was the "Beast" of Revelation became widely known and the Roman religion lost much of her power because of this truth. Over the last 5 centuries the truth has been obscured in ever greater measure by wicked men who have " suppressed the truth in unrighteousness." Now God in this last time is pulling back the curtain again on the Roman Catholic Temple Cult and its Papal Caesar revealing all for what it is. Very soon the time is coming when ALL living souls will have to make a "Decision" that will determine their eternal destiny! To take the vaccine MARK and pledge allegiance and worship to the Roman Pope or pledge to serve and worship only Jesus Christ who is God. Taking the Mark means eternal separation from God - "damnation" but serving God means eternal life with God! What choice will you make?

Learn more at:

The Pope Claims To Be God On Earth

The Deity of Jesus Christ

The Wicked Popes

List of Popes 1

List of Popes 2

The Papal System: From Its Origin To The Present Time - William Cathcart - 1872

A Complete History Of the Popes Of Rome - Louis Marie De Cormenin - 1851

​The Papacy Is The Antichrist - J A Wylie

​The Papacy - J A Wylie

The Pope, Chief Of White Slavers, High Priest Of Intrigue - Jeremiah J. Crowley - 1913

20 Absolutist Papal Maxims Of The Jesuit Military Order

The Fuel Project
Answers| Episode 4 - Did Jesus Exist?

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