Piers Morgan says Biden told Trump-sized lies about the vaccine roll-out US media won't call him out

4 years ago

#PiersMorgan #CNN #Biden #Kamala #Trump #Lies #Vaccine

Well, the brave new world of honesty in American politics lasted a grand total of 24 hours.

President Joe Biden promised an immediate end to the constant lying from the White House that we endured over four years of Donald Trump's tenure.

But then he couldn't help himself and promptly spewed the kind of brazen, bare-faced, media-bashing whopper that Trump would have loved.

Biden's made a big noisy deal of setting a target of 100 million coronavirus vaccines in his first 100 days.

But he knows that hitting this target would be a completely bogus 'achievement' because the US is already at that level of vaccination, averaging 914,000 daily doses administered last week according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and rocketing to 1.6 million on the very day of Biden's inauguration.

So, at this rate, the goal will be easily attained, and masks the reality that America could and should be aiming a lot higher.

That, though, wasn't the lie.

That was just the kind of under-promise, over-deliver type of sneaky political spin designed to grab headlines and win a cheap 'victory' down the line when the target is easily met.

No, the lie came when Biden was asked by a reporter at the White House to defend such a comparatively derisory target and angrily snapped back: 'When I announced it, you all said it's not possible. Come on, give me a break, man. It's a good start - 100 million.'

This was utter nonsense.

Nobody qualified to comment in the mainstream media said it was impossible.

In fact, on the day in December when Biden first made his 100 million pledge, CNN's medical expert Dr Sanjay Gupta said it was 'very doable' given what he'd been told by the vaccine companies controlling supply.

Biden knows this, because he'll have been told the same information by the same companies.

Yet he chose to pretend the media had ALL attacked him for making an impossible promise.

And he did that to deflect them from rightly pulling him up on the weakness of his pledge.

Good politics, bad optics – especially from the man the media seems to think is more Saint than President.

I didn't have a problem with the generally euphoric reaction to Biden's inauguration. Like most people, I found his unifying speech very inspiring and it was a welcome relief to hear some civility coming out of the mouth of the President of the United States again after four long profane years.

But by the following morning, I expected the US media to start doing to Biden what they did to Trump from the moment HE got elected and hold his feet to ferocious fire.

After all, the most important function of the media is to make government accountable for its actions.

Instead, the open fawning has carried on in a quite nauseating manner.

With the exception of Fox News, which naturally is trashing Biden with the same fervour it defended Trump – often indefensibly - America's news networks and newspapers have fought amongst each other to see who can win the title of Biggest Biden Toady.

One journalist was even fired by the New York Times for being too overt about her breathless excitement after she tweeted 'I have chills' over a photo of Biden's plane landing for the inauguration.

I don't agree with the firing, not least because she was only tweeting what 99% of other New York Times journalists would have been thinking.

But the fact she was happy to be seen to be so publicly partisan is a very bad look for the liberal-dominated media.

We've seen the same kind of cringe-worthy groveling across cable news too.

Former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly lambasted the media this week because she claimed they 'checked their objectivity' when covering Trump and the public 'lost trust' as a result. She even said this abandonment of normal impartial journalism was partly to blame for the riots at the US Capitol three weeks ago.

I wouldn't go that far.

Donald Trump was squarely to blame for inciting that riot and should be held properly accountable for it.

But Kelly makes a good point about the danger of supposedly impartial journalists bringing personal feelings into covering a president, any president.

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