Nagarjuna Ninjas the Mahayana (The Song)

4 years ago

Anavatapta, the Lake with no warmth, north of the Snowy Mountains, has cool, clear water that removes all sufferings. The lake is said to be inhabited by the dragon king.................enter the palace of the dragon king the way Nagarjuna did
. --Kaimoku Sho

Blizzard (World of Warcraft), borrowed the Naga stories and created the Nagas, former Highbourne Night Elves that had mutated and become, sinister, amphibian humanoids that dwell beneath the ocean. Theirs is an ancient and mystical culture, for ten thousand years ago they were Kaldorei, "Children of the Stars."

Video: contains imagery within World of Warcraft, Cataclysm, and some Softimage imagery of my own.

Music: All original, old tapes.

Nagarjuna, like a was said to have the power of invisibility. Alluding to the story of Nagarjuna going into the Naga Realm under the Sea where the legend tells of his receiving Mahayana Sutras, protected by the Nagas. The older story, was that Manjusri, taught the Nagas, the Lotus Sutra and they repaid the debt by protecting the Sutras for endless years.

Nagarjuna hearing this story, himself went into the Naga Realm under the sea and the King Naga gave him the Priceless Jewel--the Mahayana.

In the Lotus Sutra the King's Daughter attained Buddhahood, shocking all the original disciple of the Buddha.

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