The Mayan Calendar Calamity On 12/21/2012 Was Correct But Delayed By Elohim Till 7/21/2310 ADJ

4 years ago

The Mayan Calendar Scared Scientist because it's accuracy was better than Science can reproduce Today. In Fact, when Science wants to get the most accurate measurement of the distance between the Moon and Earth they do the measurement from the top of one of the Mayan Temples. All over the internet were predictions of gloom and doom on 12/21/2012 but, although accurate, it did not happen because The Mayans were wiped out by God before the industrial revolution which changed the magnetic field of the Earth causing the delay.
The pole shift will take place in two parts the 1st on 7/21/2310 ADJ (Jewish Calendar) where it goes from a tilt of 23 Degrees to 0 Degrees. The next day is the Messianic Age for 1,000 years (1 Day for the World). This happens at the battle of Armageddon. Without Satan To trick us anymore the earth has no more weather storms and calm throughout the Messianic Age. The next event to finish the pole shift is the Battle of Gog and Magog which happens on 3/16/2314 which is also Judgment Day.
The Next Day is the 1st Day of Heaven on 3/17/2314.

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