Song: Barnabas

4 years ago

Original song. Pretty loopy song and even loopier video. I think the lyrics are an important contribution to the the Christian Community. The un-guitarish sounds were produced with a Shadow 075 guitar synthesizer.


Self-appointed prophets
point their fingers and scold.
On the sidelines criticizing
repeating what they've been sold.
Memorizing, then sermonizing,
spiritual veneer.
Jacob's Ladder, its bottom step,
blind children playing seer.

The tongue of the wise brings healing.
The tongue of the wise brings health

Finding fault, the shortest route
to reach the mountain's peak.
Looking down on others
with everything they speak.
Truth become a venom
in confused and childish minds.

He saw the best in others
spoke words that spirits raised.
The question and accused,
He supported, loved, and praised.
Barnabas opening doors
for John Mark and Paul.
Jacob's Ladder, higher rungs
his spirit climbed so tall.

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