Microscopic View of “L” Type Rotifer

4 years ago

This plump rotifer is carrying two humongous egg sacs in tow as it tries to swim ways using tail for locomotion. Rotifers can also lay “cyst” type of eggs when the water conditions get too exteme. These will then hatch when conditions return within ideal parameters. This is similiar to dried brine shrimp eggs or those “sea monkeys” you had as a kid. These too are filter feeders and eat phytoplankton based feeds enriched with special nutrients needed for the fish or other larvae that ends up eating them. They’re like a living capsule and using in raising many marine fish previously near impossible ten to fifteen years ago. The simplicity of the keeping a really nice but smaller reef tank with fish is a lot easier than fresh water in my opinion. Once you have it set up automatically with speiclized computer controllers, it’s very easy. Technology has really made the hobby thrive. Breeding is the next step.
Please like and subscribe so I can upstage my camera equipment. I’d like to film some close ups of live hatching with fiberoptic scopes.

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