Editorial 26th January 2021 Current Affairs Dandenong Conservative

3 years ago

Swamp creature and former PM, Malcolm Turnbull has been awarded an Australia Day medal. Turnbull, whose most recent act of public service was to applaud Biden's vote theft, has previously gifted millions of dollars of tax payer money to the Clinton Foundation, after they spearheaded his promotion to be PM in 2015. Turnbull based his campaign to be PM on the slogan "Women hate Tony Abbott" which was supported by #FakeNews media. Turnbull also campaigned against Prince Phillip receiving an honour for his charitable work promoting self worth among youths in Australia.

Meanwhile, Rape survivor and advocate for preventative measures against child abuse, Grace Tame, is named Australia of the year. Her campaign, #LetHerSpeak was a response to the miscast law preventing rape survivors from speaking about their experience. The law did not work precisely as has been presented by the media, but it has since been overturned, anyway. Grace has pronounced she now believes Australia Day should be celebrated on a different day. This is because of the campaign lie regarding 'Invasion Day' which never happened. Australia is a great nation which was founded by all her peoples. Invasion Day is a myth that Sydney Colonists invaded Australia to steal her from indigenous peoples. The invasion day story is as real as Biden's 81 million votes. If every voter who voted Biden held up both hands for a hand count, there would not be 81 million hands.

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