Wow! Watch A Bee Save Another Bees Life!

4 years ago

This was an interesting test I did... to see how many bees are in my area. I placed a plate of honey with water on my patio table then left the camera running for about 30 minutes. I later realized I had captured an AMAZING moment! Bees actually CARE about their fellow Bees. WATCH AS ONE BEE SAVES ANOTHER BEE LIFE!!! AMAZING!!! :)

Later I witnesses this over and over again... bees assisting other bees... when they needed help... or got stuck in the honey water. I NEVER KNEW THEY REALLY CARED FOR EACH OTHER.

Albert Einstein once said... "“If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live.” Wow! They really are important being our main pollinators.

I am on a campaign now to ask folks to PLEASE STOP USING PESTICIDES... in gardens and farms... it is KILLING THE BEES! They will tell you it is a disease they have. NO!!! It is the pesticides!!! GROW ORGANICALLY... WITH NO PESTICIDES PLEASE... GARDENERS AND BIG FARMERS PLEASE! We can do this. We can do this through Jesus Christ who strengthens us. Pray... God will give you the natural knowledge of growing healthy delicious fruits and vegetables without pesticides. Thank you! Let us do this... if not for us... for future generations food supply!

Thanks for watching!

Love in Yahushua HaMassiah,

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