Washington: Snoqualmie valley Civil War reenactment 2015

4 years ago

The Snoqualmie Valley Civil war reenactment was an event that I’d always wanted to see, well, not particularly the Snoqualmie Valley reenactment, but any Civil war reenactment.
I love history and being able to actually see something about what it was like to have been at one of these battles was really interesting to me. Each person that volunteers for this event is basically a walking talking museum. They take on a particular character type they are interested in, study it so they can answer any questions, and grow in the role. As more questions are asked, more is learned and researched which gains them more knowledge to be able to answer questions. Some of these reenactors, have been doing this for more than 30 years, it’s not just in their head, they know how their character type lived.
I spoke extensively with one of the ladies in black, the one lady sitting in the chair looking very dour. She was a wonderful happy lady, but in character she spoke with such knowledge and authority, that I was drawn in to her story and life during that time period.
Ok, to be honest, I wanted to go there to see the big cannons, and feel the BOOM! , But after speaking with some of the ladies, the Marine, and the Doctor, with the bloody apron. I grew a new level of respect for the people there, the time period, what they were fighting for and what they accomplished. Before I started this project, I remember wanting to pick out happy country banjo music, but going through the pictures again, I realized that it should most definitely be portrayed as a more somber event. Today is July 15, 2020, a lot of turmoil is going on in our country today. Statues being taken down, people rioting in the streets. If they were only taught the truth in schools about our American history, there would not be any of these protests.
The Snoqualmie Valley Civil war Reenactment is usually a 3 day event, I spent about 10 hours there in just 1 day, taking over 600 pictures, which is light for me. I was too mesmerized with the stories to take pictures for the most part. What an incredible event. If you are even a little curious, please consider going to one of these events. Take your kids, they’ll learn more here in a few hours than in a solid month in school.

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Civil war reenactment guide across the country


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