The strategy to save America from the grips of the Deep State

4 years ago

Conservatives are great when it comes to talking. We'll point out all of the problems going on in the government and expose the hypocrisy of the Mainstream Media. But when push comes to shove, where's the follow through with effective action? Here's the step-by-step game plan to take back our country.

There are three different aspects of American society: Church, Culture and Politics. For far too long, Conservatives have only focused on one of these at a time. For example, for decades, the John MacArthur & The Gospel Coalition crowd took a pietistic view of politics and culture, turning their backs on both arenas. This created a vacuum for the extreme progressives to take over all forms of influence. And then now that there's been a limited focus on re-entering Culture and Politics, the Left was then able to infiltrate the Church. However you slice it, Conservatives have failed in our mission to save America by simply having a one-track mind.

If we are going to truly take back our country, it's not going to be solely political, culture or church. It's going to take a three-pronged approach. If we don't hit the ground running in all of these areas, America is done. The Progressive Left has the power and are working to move as quickly as they can to strip America of what makes it great.

During this episode of Let's Talk Right Now, I break down what our strategy should be in each of these arenas. We've only got one shot at this, so we better do it right!

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