Naturopath’s Discusses Lyme Disease and Sauna Detoxing

3 years ago

In this spontaneous Relax Sauna testimonial, Dr. Catherine recommends far infrared saunas for Lyme disease because bacteria dies at 104 degrees body temperature. By using the Relax sauna to increase your body's core temperature you can fight Lyme disease. Infrared saunas are great for people with Lyme disease.

Dr. Catherine has had her Relax sauna for over eight years. “I love my sauna. It works very well with all of my patients that I have, my clients that I have actually, and especially the ones that have Lyme disease, because bacteria dies at 104 1/2° core body temperature. If used repeatedly and regularly it will open your body temperature enough so that your body temperature can raise to a 104 1/2° and kill off the bacteria and parasites also, and fungus and things in your blood and you will feel better after you kill all of that off and get it all out of your body.

I have many clients who have Lyme. And the extreme cases and an extreme protocol, that actually worked on several of my clients that are now Lyme free, has been this sauna, the Relax sauna. And what we do is, we put them in every four hours. We let them sleep all night, of course. Every four hours to five hours we put them in here for at least a week. And that opens their body up.”

In this video, she lays out the protocol that she uses with her clients and goes on to say, “That’s the easiest protocol I know of to get rid of Lyme, get your Lyme down, get yourself feeling better, get yourself looking better, get the toxins out. Use the sauna. The Relax sauna is great. I have hundreds of clients. I've been doing this since 2000. In eight years, there's a lot of people who go through my office. I love this. I would recommend this to anyone.

I use this every day, morning and night, twice a day, for maintenance. I’m in here for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 to 30 minutes at night and I get a good sweat. I like it. It's good. It gets out all the toxins and all the things that happen to you during the day. It's the easiest thing to do because I love to read so when I can catch up on my day’s work, my reading material and when I come out, using the sauna is great.”

Phil comments that the Lyme Conference they attend every year is the best show they do every year since it has proven itself so successful with Lyme.

Dr. Catherine goes on to say, “ You can do a lot of other things but that is why God gave us fever and heat. It’s the most natural way to get rid of so many things, not only Lyme but just so all the other parasites and fungus. It keeps virus… oh, my God, viruses do not like heat at all! So this will keep the virus down. All of you herpes people out there, and I know there's a ton of you, this keeps the virus down, all the different types of herpes, herpes 6, herpes 8, herpes 12, herpes simplex, all of it.”

Phil comments that Hippocrates said, “Give me a chance to create sweat and I can cure disease.” Dr. Catherine exclaims. “Absolutely. They knew. They knew.”

She goes on to describe how monitoring people's temperatures when they do the sauna is part of her protocol, as it gives her and her patients a scientific gauge as to how it is working. She also discusses how the program is tailored to people’s individual needs.

At the Lyme Conference every year, people there say that the spirochetes do not like heat. The spirochetes leave. “They die.”

Dr. Catherine: “The healthier the person, the better we are to each other, the more humane we are to each other, the better humanity is.”

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We have many testimonials from people who have experienced great relief from using the Relax far infrared sauna for Lyme disease.

Learn about the benefits of far infrared energy.

What makes the Relax sauna the best far infrared sauna? Find out, a comparison of infrared saunas-

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